
125 lines
4.8 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2023 Umorpha Systems
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# Entrypoint/config ############################################################
SHELL = bash -euE -o pipefail
export osi_tools = $(CURDIR)/../notsystemd-tests
PATH := $(osi_tools):$(PATH)
all: $(patsubst,%.rootfs.img,$(wildcard images/*.sh))
.PHONY: all
# Nothing here is parallel-unsafe, but it just makes the output (and
# especially `sudo` prompts) hard to read.
define NL
# Dependency magic #############################################################
# Files that modules depend on
build-deps/modules/ = bin/umorpha-install
build-deps/modules/ += bin/umorpha-mount
secret-deps/modules/ = secrets/gitea-infomaniak-clientid.txt
secret-deps/modules/ += secrets/gitea-infomaniak-clientsecret.txt
secret-deps/modules/ = secrets/bookstack-app-key.txt
secret-deps/modules/ += secrets/bookstack-infomaniak-mailaddr.txt
secret-deps/modules/ += secrets/bookstack-infomaniak-mailpassword.txt
secret-deps/modules/ += secrets/bookstack-infomaniak-clientid.txt
secret-deps/modules/ += secrets/bookstack-infomaniak-clientsecret.txt
# Group that should own the secret
group/gitea-infomaniak-clientid.txt = gitea
group/gitea-infomaniak-clientsecret.txt = gitea
group/bookstack-app-key.txt = bookstack
group/bookstack-infomaniak-mailaddr.txt = bookstack
group/bookstack-infomaniak-mailpassword.txt = bookstack
group/bookstack-infomaniak-clientid.txt = bookstack
group/bookstack-infomaniak-clientsecret.txt = bookstack
# Automatic dependencies images $(wildcard images/*.sh) $(wildcard modules/*.sh) Makefile
{ \
echo '# variables: module -> module'; \
grep -H load_module modules/*.sh|sed -E 's,(.*):.*/(.*)"$$,build-deps/\1 += modules/\2 $$(build-deps/modules/\2),'; \
echo '# variables: image -> module'; \
grep -H -o -e '--module=\S*' -- images/*.sh | sed -E 's,images/([^:]*).sh:--module=(.*),build-deps/images/\1.rootfs.img += \2 $$(build-deps/\2),'; \
echo '# concrete: image -> build-deps'; \
$(foreach f,$(patsubst,%.rootfs.img,$(filter-out,$(wildcard images/*.sh))),echo '$f: $$(build-deps/$f)'; \$(NL) ) \
echo '# concrete: secrets -> secret-deps'; \
$(foreach f,$(patsubst,%.rootfs.img,$(filter-out,$(wildcard images/*.sh))),echo '$(patsubst %.rootfs.img,,$f): $$(foreach d,$$(build-deps/$f),$$(secret-deps/$$d))'; \$(NL) ) \
echo '# concrete: image -> package'; \
grep -H -o -e '--package-file=\S*' -- images/*.sh | sed -E 's,images/([^:]*).sh:--package-file=(.*),build-deps/images/\1.rootfs.img: \2,'; \
} >$@
# Generic pattern rules ########################################################
images/%.rootfs.img: images/
rm -f $@
$< $@
chmod 444 $@
images/%.gpt.img: images/%.rootfs.img bin/umorpha-install
rm -f $@
truncate --size=3G $@
sudo bin/umorpha-install images/$*.rootfs.img $@
images/%.bootstrap.iso: images/%.rootfs.img images/bootstrap.rootfs.img bin/mkbootstrapiso
bin/mkbootstrapiso $< $@
images/ Makefile
{ \
echo '#!/bin/sh'; \
echo 'install -m755 -d /etc/umorpha-secrets'; \
$(foreach f,$(sort $(filter secrets/%,$^)),val=$$(cat $f); echo "install -m640 --group=$(group/$(notdir $f)) /dev/stdin /etc/umorpha-secrets/$(notdir $f) <<<$${val@Q}"; \$(NL) ) \
} >$@
pkg/%.pkg.tar.zst: pkg/%/PKGBUILD
rm -rf -- $(<D)/src $(<D)/pkg
cd $(<D) && PKGDEST=$(abspath $(@D)) makepkg --syncdeps --rmdeps
ln -sf $*-$$(cd $(<D) && makepkg --printsrcinfo|awk 'BEGIN{arch=x86_64} /pkgver =/{pkgver=$$3} /pkgrel =/{pkgrel=$$3} /arch = any/{arch=$$3} END{print pkgver "-" pkgrel "-" arch}').pkg.tar.zst $@
qemu-bios = qemu-system-x86_64
qemu-bios += -accel kvm
qemu-bios += -m 2G
qemu-bios += -net user,hostfwd=tcp::8022-:22,hostfwd=tcp::8080-:80 -net nic
qemu-uefi = $(qemu-bios) -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/usr/share/ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd
run-bios/%.img: images/%.img
cp --reflink -- $< $<.tmp
chmod 644 $<.tmp
$(qemu-bios) -drive media=disk,if=virtio,format=raw,file=$<.tmp
run-bios/%.iso: images/%.iso
truncate --size=3G $<.tmp
$(qemu-bios) -drive media=disk,if=virtio,format=raw,file=$<.tmp -cdrom $<
.PHONY: run-bios/%
run-uefi/%.img: images/%.img
cp --reflink -- $< $<.tmp
chmod 644 $<.tmp
$(qemu-uefi) -drive media=disk,if=virtio,format=raw,file=$<.tmp
.PHONY: run-ueif/%
deploy/%: images/%.bootstrap.iso images/ vultr/
.PHONY: deploy/%
# Specific rules ###############################################################
wget -O $@