50 lines
1.4 KiB
50 lines
1.4 KiB
CHROOT_NAME = x86_64
CHROOT_COPY = notsystemd-tests-$(@F)
GIT = https://git.parabola.nu/~lukeshu/systemd.git
GIT.systemd-232 = d559e0e3b144c280924e4ac838830234c226acf9
GIT.systemd-cur = systemd/v239.0-2.parabola1
GIT.systemd-not = notsystemd/v239.1
all: packages/systemd-232 packages/systemd-cur packages/systemd-not
.PHONY: all
src/systemd: .var.GIT
mkdir -p '$(@D)'
git clone --mirror '$(GIT)' '$@'
id_% id_%.pub:
ssh-keygen -P '' -f 'id_$*'
packages/%: .var.GIT.% abs/% src/systemd
rm -rf -- '$@' '$@.tmp'
mkdir -p '$(@D)'
cp -aT -- 'abs/$(@F)' '$@.tmp'
sed -i 's,@COMMIT@,$(GIT.$(@F)),g' -- '$@.tmp/PKGBUILD'
cd $@.tmp && sudo "PKGDEST=$$PWD" "SRCPKGDEST=$$PWD" "LOGDEST=$$PWD" 'SRCDEST=$(CURDIR)/src' libremakepkg -n '$(CHROOT_NAME)' -l '$(CHROOT_COPY)'
mv -T -- '$@.tmp' '$@'
packages/systemd-232: $(wildcard abs/systemd-232/*)
packages/systemd-cur: $(wildcard abs/systemd-cur/*)
packages/systemd-not: $(wildcard abs/systemd-not/*)
# Boilerplate ########################################################
.var.%: FORCE
@printf '%s' $(call quote.shell,$($*)) | sed 's/^/#/' | ./write-ifchanged '$@'
-include $(wildcard .var.*)
define at.nl
# I put this as the last line in the file because it confuses Emacs
# syntax highlighting and makes the remainder of the file difficult to
# edit.
quote.shell = $(subst $(at.nl),'$$'\n'','$(subst ','\'',$1)')